How to make a governance vote
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To access Aquarius Governance, head to
Here you can browse through all proposals past & present, and if you choose, sign in to vote & create new proposals using AQUA. Sign in is available using WalletConnect, Stellar Laboratory & secret key, although we will deprecate the secret key method in the near future.
Once logged in, you can view various available proposals and vote for or against active proposals with your available AQUA.
All AQUA used for voting is locked until voting ends using claimable balances.
The unlock time for AQUA governance votes depends on how quickly a vote occurs after a proposal is published. The unlock logic takes the time difference between a proposal’s start time and when a vote occurs and multiplies it by two. This multiplied time is added to the end of a proposal’s vote period, giving a final unlock time.
For example, a user who votes 3.5 days into a voting period will have those days multiplied by 2, giving 7 days. Therefore the AQUA used to vote will unlock 7 days after the proposal vote ends.