Withdraw Liquidity
Example of code that withdraw liquidity from Aquarius pool
In this section, we demonstrate how to withdraw 1 share from a specific Aquarius AMM pool. For this example, we will use this this XLM-AQUA pool.
Scroll here to see the complete code.
Executing Withdraw: Step by Step Guide
To perform a withdraw, you need to follow these steps:
Specify user secret key, share amount for withdraw and pool address: To withdraw from a pool, you need your user secret key, the amount for withdraw (specified in stroops), and the pool address. You need to already have a share in this pool, make a deposit beforehand.
# Distributor's secret key (ensure this is kept secure)
user_secret_key = "S..."
# XLM/AQUA pool address
# 1 share in stroops
share_amount = 1_0000000
// Distributor's secret key (ensure this is kept secure)
const userSecretKey = "S...";
// XLM/AQUA pool address
// 1 share in stroops
const shareAmount = 10000000;
Make a contract call to the pool's "withdraw" method.
def execute_withdraw():
# Initialize Soroban and Horizon servers
server = SorobanServer(SOROBAN_SERVER_RPC)
horizon_server = Server(HORIZON_SERVER)
# Load distributor's keypair using the secret key
keypair = Keypair.from_secret(user_secret_key)
# Load the distributor's account information from Soroban server
account = server.load_account(keypair.public_key)
# Build the withdraw transaction
tx_builder = TransactionBuilder(
base_fee=1000000 # Set base fee; adjust as necessary
).set_timeout(3600) # Set transaction timeout
# Append the invoke_contract_function operation for withdraw
tx = tx_builder.append_invoke_contract_function_op(
Address(keypair.public_key).to_xdr_sc_val(), # Distributor's address
scval.to_uint128(share_amount), # Amount of shares to redeem
scval.to_uint128(1), # Minimum amount of XLM to receive
scval.to_uint128(1), # Minimum amount of AQUA to receive
tx = server.prepare_transaction(tx.build())
tx_response = horizon_server.submit_transaction(tx)
transaction_meta = xdr.TransactionMeta.from_xdr(tx_response['result_meta_xdr'])
tx_result = transaction_meta.v3.soroban_meta.return_value
if not tx_result:
raise RuntimeError
amount_a, amount_b = map(u128_to_int, [r.u128 for r in tx_result.vec.sc_vec])
print("Withdrawal successful!")
print(f"Received Amounts: Token A = {amount_a}, Token B = {amount_b}")
async function executeWithdraw() {
const sorobanServer = new rpc.Server(sorobanServerUrl);
const horizonServer = new Horizon.Server(horizonServerUrl);
const sharesToRedeemU128 = new XdrLargeInt('u128', shareAmount.toFixed()).toU128();
const minimumAmount = new XdrLargeInt('u128', '1').toU128(); // 0.0000001
// Load distributor's keypair using the secret key
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecret(userSecretKey);
// Load the distributor's account information from Soroban server
const account = await sorobanServer.getAccount(keypair.publicKey());
const contract = new Contract(poolAddress);
// Build the withdraw transaction
const tx = new TransactionBuilder(account, {
fee: BASE_FEE,
networkPassphrase: Networks.PUBLIC,
// Append the invoke_contract_function operation for withdraw
xdr.ScVal.scvAddress(Address.fromString(keypair.publicKey()).toScAddress()), // Distributor's address
sharesToRedeemU128, // Amount of shares to redeem
xdr.ScVal.scvVec([minimumAmount, minimumAmount]), // Minimum amounts of Token A and Token B to receive
const preparedTx = await sorobanServer.prepareTransaction(tx);
const result = await horizonServer.submitTransaction(preparedTx);
const meta = (await sorobanServer.getTransaction(result.id)).resultMetaXdr;
const returnValue = meta.v3().sorobanMeta().returnValue();
const [withdrawalA, withdrawalB] = returnValue.value().map(value => u128ToInt(value.value()));
console.log('Withdrawal successful!');
console.log(`Received Amounts: Token A = ${withdrawalA / 1e7}, Token B = ${withdrawalB / 1e7}`);
Complete Code Examples
This code withdraw 1 share from the pool with Aquarius AMM on mainnet.
To successfully execute the code, provide the secret key of a Stellar account with at least 1 share in the pool XLM / AQUA.
Copy the full code Python
# withdraw.py
from typing import List
from stellar_sdk import Address, Keypair, scval, SorobanServer, xdr, TransactionBuilder, Server, Network
from stellar_sdk.xdr import UInt128Parts
# Step 1. Specify user secret key, amount for withdraw and pool address
# Distributor's secret key (ensure this is kept secure)
user_secret_key = "S..."
# XLM/AQUA pool address
# 1 share in stroops
share_amount = 1_0000000
# ==========================
# Configuration Variables
# ==========================
# Soroban and Horizon server RPC endpoints
SOROBAN_SERVER_RPC = 'https://mainnet.sorobanrpc.com'
HORIZON_SERVER = 'https://horizon.stellar.org'
# Stellar network passphrase
# ==========================
# Utility Functions
# ==========================
def u128_to_int(value: UInt128Parts) -> int:
Converts UInt128Parts from Stellar's XDR to a Python integer.
value (UInt128Parts): UInt128Parts object from Stellar SDK.
int: Corresponding Python integer.
return int(value.hi.uint64 << 64) + value.lo.uint64
# ==========================
# Withdraw Function
# ==========================
# Step 2. Make a contract call to the pool's "withdraw" method.
def execute_withdraw():
# Initialize Soroban and Horizon servers
server = SorobanServer(SOROBAN_SERVER_RPC)
horizon_server = Server(HORIZON_SERVER)
# Load distributor's keypair using the secret key
keypair = Keypair.from_secret(user_secret_key)
# Load the distributor's account information from Soroban server
account = server.load_account(keypair.public_key)
# Build the withdraw transaction
tx_builder = TransactionBuilder(
base_fee=1000000 # Set base fee; adjust as necessary
).set_timeout(3600) # Set transaction timeout
# Append the invoke_contract_function operation for withdraw
tx = tx_builder.append_invoke_contract_function_op(
Address(keypair.public_key).to_xdr_sc_val(), # Distributor's address
scval.to_uint128(share_amount), # Amount of shares to redeem
scval.to_uint128(1), # Minimum amount of XLM to receive
scval.to_uint128(1), # Minimum amount of AQUA to receive
tx = server.prepare_transaction(tx.build())
tx_response = horizon_server.submit_transaction(tx)
transaction_meta = xdr.TransactionMeta.from_xdr(tx_response['result_meta_xdr'])
tx_result = transaction_meta.v3.soroban_meta.return_value
if not tx_result:
raise RuntimeError
amount_a, amount_b = map(u128_to_int, [r.u128 for r in tx_result.vec.sc_vec])
print("Withdrawal successful!")
print(f"Received Amounts: Token A = {amount_a}, Token B = {amount_b}")
# ==========================
# Entry Point
# ==========================
if __name__ == "__main__":
Copy the full code JavaScript
const StellarSdk = require('@stellar/stellar-sdk');
const {
} = StellarSdk;
// Step 1. Specify user secret key, amount for withdraw and pool addresss
// Distributor's secret key (ensure this is kept secure)
const userSecretKey = "S...";
// XLM/AQUA pool address
// 1 share in stroops
const shareAmount = 10000000;
// ==========================
// Configuration Variables
// ==========================
// Soroban and Horizon server RPC endpoints
const sorobanServerUrl = 'https://mainnet.sorobanrpc.com';
const horizonServerUrl = 'https://horizon.stellar.org';
// ==========================
// Utility Functions
// ==========================
function u128ToInt(value) {
* Converts UInt128Parts from Stellar's XDR to a JavaScript number.
* @param {Object} value - UInt128Parts object from Stellar SDK, with `hi` and `lo` properties.
* @returns {number|null} Corresponding JavaScript number, or null if the number is too large.
const result = (BigInt(value.hi()._value) << 64n) + BigInt(value.lo()._value);
// Check if the result is within the safe integer range for JavaScript numbers
if (result <= BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)) {
return Number(result);
} else {
console.warn("Value exceeds JavaScript's safe integer range");
return null;
// ==========================
// Withdraw Function
// ==========================
// Step 2. Make a contract call to the pool's "withdraw" method.
async function executeWithdraw() {
const sorobanServer = new rpc.Server(sorobanServerUrl);
const horizonServer = new Horizon.Server(horizonServerUrl);
const sharesToRedeemU128 = new XdrLargeInt('u128', shareAmount.toFixed()).toU128();
const minimumAmount = new XdrLargeInt('u128', '1').toU128(); // 0.0000001
// Load distributor's keypair using the secret key
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecret(userSecretKey);
// Load the distributor's account information from Soroban server
const account = await sorobanServer.getAccount(keypair.publicKey());
const contract = new Contract(poolAddress);
// Build the withdraw transaction
const tx = new TransactionBuilder(account, {
fee: BASE_FEE,
networkPassphrase: Networks.PUBLIC,
// Append the invoke_contract_function operation for withdraw
xdr.ScVal.scvAddress(Address.fromString(keypair.publicKey()).toScAddress()), // Distributor's address
sharesToRedeemU128, // Amount of shares to redeem
xdr.ScVal.scvVec([minimumAmount, minimumAmount]), // Minimum amounts of Token A and Token B to receive
const preparedTx = await sorobanServer.prepareTransaction(tx);
const result = await horizonServer.submitTransaction(preparedTx);
const meta = (await sorobanServer.getTransaction(result.id)).resultMetaXdr;
const returnValue = meta.v3().sorobanMeta().returnValue();
const [withdrawalA, withdrawalB] = returnValue.value().map(value => u128ToInt(value.value()));
console.log('Withdrawal successful!');
console.log(`Received Amounts: Token A = ${withdrawalA / 1e7}, Token B = ${withdrawalB / 1e7}`);
// ==========================
// Entry Point
// ==========================
Last updated